I trained quads today w/ 'the Hawk'. We did squats on the Smith/Icarian machine, followed by front squats in the cage, lunges, hack squats, and leg extensions. Although I had planned on doing cardio alongside my faithful workout partner -- my Sansa mp3 player decided to kick the bucket, so I drove over to Best Buy and switched it out -- (whenever you electronics -- from an mp3 player to laptop to a 60" plasma tv -- buy the warranty -- it's the wise move!). Best Buy replaced the bad unit and I quickly uploaded songs by Limp Bizkit, Ratt, Michael Sweet (formerly of Stryper, LA Guns, Gorefest, Rancid, and Motley Crue.
But as I entered the gym for what I thought would be a cardio session, I decided to touch-up shoulers. Then this little voice inside me -- from a little bantamweight-lookin trainer from an NPC show I attended in Flint in 2009 rang in my head -- something about me needing 'to bring up my delts...' -- so I just pounded out another intense workout :)

And in the midst of this delt assault, I ran into a StrenghtAddict long gone M-I-A, Josh Castillo. In terms of physiques, Josh has razor sharp abs and killer genetics for his size -- in terms of my photo-wishlist, I'd love nothing more than to have him and Kelvin Perry do a photo + video session w/ me when they're both peeled -- it would surely motivate all of us toiling away for what seems to be an ever elusive six-pack. Another couple of guys with very good abs: Karson Lattimore and Jordan Shouldice, come to mind for such a session.

I've included a few shots I took of Josh -- these can also be found on the facebook group! I'm ecstatic that we've added six new, quality people to our group and the numbers just keep building. I'm really happy that every single person in there has been observed for weeks, sometimes months before being approached. It's great to have 56 people that you know are hardcore and in it for the long haul -- no spammers, no gimmicks, and the best part is not only can you reach out to the other 55 and make friend -- but it's encouraged.
Your days of walking into Gym Bumz and not knowing anyone -- and maybe as a result of that, wanting to turn around, walk quickly back to your car, and drive away defeated ARE OVER. Say hi to your fellow members and don't be shy to say hello to the opposite sex either -- research has proven -- they don't have cooties.
Clean up your diet. Train Hard. No Pain for you. Eyes on the Prize =o).
Breaking News!
2x Natural Mr. Universe and Mr. America, Jim Cordova has agreed to do a Q&A Interview with StrengthAddicts.com. Jim, a MuscleTech athlete, is considered by many to be the most accomplished bodybuilder of the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation!; he's also appeared on the cover of Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness magazine -- and is regularly covered in articles and photo shoots!
& I will include them in the interview!
Just a shoutout to management for playing awesome music as of late. Everyone loves 'hair metal' -- rock you can lift to, power ballads for the romantics, guitar solos, pounding basslines... nothin against disco, Richard Simmons' inspired aerobics music, or REO Speedwagon but with the crackdowns on pro-hormones and many of our own battles with obesity -- it's great to be able to hit the weights at a gym where the music doesn't kill what little testosterone we've mustered up to lift hard!
More hard rock during the afternoons & evenings, so if anyone forgets their mp3 player, they can still lift and not feel like a tool busting the move to a whack soundtrack :-).