Many thanks to my bro Matt at the Lansing Mall General Nutrion Center (GNC) for getting in touch w/ USPLabs and scoring some product for our upcoming StrengthAddicts.com V-Contest. In a few days you'll have the opportunity to get with me and record your own thiry second video in front of the gym. In this video, each member of the club will speak on the subject of 'why they train and what training does for you.' The winner will walk away with a free supplement (no cheapo prize either!) The 2nd and 3rd place winners will also score some prizes.
As the site grows, the prize packages will also get bigger and better. We're also toying with the idea of Deadlift Challenge (or equivalent) for September 2010. And I think it really goes without saying, but I'll say it anways -- it's awesome to have a facility like Gym Bumz that's truly supportive of our efforts here.
Some our guys are a bit on the indifferent side and don't really do squat for the club -- and as the numbers increase, some of this dead-weight may be cut loose. There's really a great deal of interest in our concept and I think we can only benefit by having more women and competitive athletes join our ranks. We need the same kind of nutritional diversity in other areas like gender, age, and insofar as fitness goals as well. StrengthAddicts should be a multi-cross-section of the gym population -- at least that's my goal.

Today was one of those days that I really value. I had class in Grand Rapids and left Lansing three hours early (to avoid rushing down the hgwy). I met up with my crush at the coffee shop before she had to go run some errands and just basically sat there doing homework. Class was rather interesting -- especially with finals looming in just three weeks. After class was a dream come true -- got to make out with my crush and although this portion of the entry seems largely like tmiand perhaps not so relevant -- fear not, it is! As we kissed, I was soo happy that we finally had reached this level, but on a very shallow level - I felt like the little stubs of growing out after my last shave were standing tall, it was like that electric kinda feeling you get when you're right and everyone's wrong and your basking in the warmth of triumph... only I was basking in the warmth b/c she was totally digging & groping my arms -- that's the kind of inspiration that makes a person want to bang out bi's, tri's, and forearms from here till next week (of next year!). Recognition is sweet. So train hard fellas -- it pays off. I lift to improve my physique, but this is a real conflict of your interests -- you can either stuff your face and dream about getting the beautiful girl...or you kill yourself in the gym and maybe starve yourself a bit and deal w/ the pain and not only maybe get the girl you want -- but have her (or him for female & other friends, lol) come to you. Breaking News! Breaking News! When you're cut, in shape, and feeling confident in your looks --- YOU TOO BECOME "ATTRACTIVE" and will also be sought after.
And for those of you still believing beauty is on the inside -- take comfort in knowing you 110% correct -- but w/o the body, few will stop to converse about your values. If you're reading this, get in the gym and train! :)
Per the title of the entry -- it's actually 1:17am and I'm sitting at Tim Horton's and after doing this entry and reading some Immigration Law, I'm headed back to Gym Bumz to do some cardio. Why did I have to eat a pint of white rice? Oh well... it's my favorite dish at the Empire Szechuan in downtown Lansing -- and I enjoyed the heck out of it. So now I must burn it off.
Gym tomorrow at 5:30 w/ John M., Hawk for Chest. Anyone else is free to join us. We don't all to do the same thing, but knowing we're there and especially if it's not an off-day -- you'll show up. :)