So first of all I really want to thank the GNC - Lansing Mall for all their assistance, both in securing a box of great supplements from USPLabs, to several members of the staff taking an interest in our group and helping to plan/promote our debut October Strength meet held at Gym Bumz - Lansing (formerly Go Workout).
I would also like to thank USPLabs, makers of the popular Jack3d pre-workout powder, for sending us sixteen samples of said product, along with about another forty single and weekly-serving samples! Additionally, USPLabs sent us two t-shirts and a bodybuilding drawstring bag bearing their cool company logo! Thanks so much for your kind gesture in helping us promote our group and assemble prize packages.
Also a huge thank you to my close friend, Jennifer Petroske of Abbott Nutrition for assisting us in securing eight boxes (each containing 12 EAS Myoplex shake (bottles). When I got the call from my apartment' office, I could hardly believe that this great company sent us over $400 in product! I gave one box to the gym and hope they will start carrying this great product; but I'm really stoked because between the EAS boxes and the UPSLabs one, I have a great source of daily inspiration to keep working towards making a first class event for Lansing and are growing StrengthAddicts family, without having to sell merch, collect dues, and/or make a business out of the hobby I love. Hobbies shouldn't be about money, they should be about friendship and fun, money is overrated.
So again, big kudos to EAS, GNC - Lansing Mall, and USPLabs!.