Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Que Pasa, Jeff?

It has come to my attention from athletes and fans that the Michigan NPC News received a number of excellent shots at this past NPC Detroit Grand Prix, and as usual, their site did a fantastic job of showcasing the talent on stage. Sadly, however, there was only one photographer that submitted photos to the site -- and he failed to submit any shots from several competitor from the state captiol -- the home of StregnthAddicts.com.

'Lansing had 4 division 1sts, and one 4th, but none of the published photos featured these atheletes."

- A Disappointed Fan

After contacting the NPC Michigan News, it was brought to my attention that Jeff Sygo was the only photographer to submit media for the event. For those of you out there -- wondering if there is an anti-Lansing bias -- there is not. I'm sure there's perfectly good explanation why our city's athletes weren't included. I mean just because someone wins four trophies -- that doesn't warrant a picture to be taken -- does it?